My favorite iced coffee recipe is SO simple and easy to make at home… and it’s amazing! I use pre-brewed blonde roast iced coffee from Starbucks, almond milk, and dairy free creamer (I LOVE NutPods) to make this recipe.
This iced coffee takes about two minutes to make, and it tastes like something straight off of the Starbucks or Dunkin menu. Seriously, it’s delicious and here’s how you can make my absolute favorite iced coffee recipe at home yourself!
Ingredients –
All you need to make the coffee is a glass with ice, brewed iced coffee, almond milk, and a dairy free creamer of your choice! I personally like to use vanilla nutpods, but califia farms also makes some great dairy free coffee creamer options.
How to make the Iced-Coffee
First step is to add almond milk to a large glass with ice.
After that, pour in iced coffee until it has reached the top of the glass. Your glass should be completely full with coffee and milk at this point. I don’t leave a lot of room for creamer because personally, I like only a littler bit.
Then, add your creamer to the top of your coffee. You can add as much or as little as you like, but I usually do about a tablespoon, give or take.
That’s it! My favorite iced coffee recipe that YOU can make at home in only a few minutes! It’s easy, delicious, and perfect for when you just need a little bit of caffeine in your system.